The nonprofit sector, also known as the third sector, has become influential in driving development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has captured the attention of various segments of society, contributing to the spread of the endowment culture (Waqf) within Saudi society. Endowment is one form of social responsibility that is increasingly practiced at the institutional level and the need for both legal and Sharia studies.
- Establishment of endowment companies (Waqf), legally and procedurally, from incorporation contracts and regulations.
- Creating innovative endowment structures for endowers to accommodate the evolving mechanisms of endowment, along with offering tailored banking packages that align with these new endowment practices.
- Providing innovative solutions for financially and administratively distressed endowments.
- Supervising the implementation of the conditions of the endowers with regard to the investment proceeds and its expenditures.
- Drafting and reviewing contracts and partnership agreements in the non-profit sector.